Anal fissure: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention (8860455545)

If you are in search of best Anal fissure treatment in Deoria, , fissure Cure doctor in Deoria, best doctor for Anal fissure Treatment in Deoria ~ JN Clinic Deoria is on of the best place where you can find top doctor for your gastro problem. CALL Now to BOOK APPOINTMENT +91-8860455545 / 6391414162 💬 Tear or crack in the lining of the anus is known as anal fissure. These fissures can cause severe pain accompanied with bleeding during and after bowel movements. Sometimes these fissures can be deep enough to expose the underlying muscle tissues. Symptoms of an anal fissure A few symptoms associated with anal fissures include visible cracks and tear around the anus, small lump of skin next to these cracks and pain accompanied with blood during bowel movement. They also cause itching around the anus. What causes an anal fissure and who is at risk for an anal fissure? These fissures usually occur by passing hard or large stools, during constipation and...