Fistula doctor in Deoria, +91-8860455545, Piles Doctor

Fistula doctor in Deoria, +91-8860455545, Piles Doctor

Are you searching for fistula doctor in Deoria? If yes then visit JN Clinic. This clinic is providing best treatment for fistula .If you want to more info about fistula, piles then you need to consult piles specialist, piles specialist doctor.The Best doctor for fistula treatment in Deoria of much value to the patients. Book an appointment online call now- +91-8860455545. And you can also Visit Website:

Book Appointments Fistula doctor in Deoria.

An abnormal connection of one part of the body to another is called a fistula. When such linkage occur in the anus it is called an anal fistula. This is a connections between the interior anal canal and the skin towards the outside of the anus. There are many kinds of anal fistula and they may occur for a variety of reasons like infection, abscess, pus or other diseases. It is commonly seen in patients suffering from inflammatory bowel diseases.

Common symptoms of an anal fistula would be pain, tenderness, swelling, and irritation in the anal regions. Itching may also be experienced. The infection may also cause slight fever, tiredness, chills, and weakness. One may not feel like eating heavy or spicy foods and might feel uncomfortable.

The healing of this abnormality is not natural.

Either the sufferer will require medication or he will require a surgery to be performed.

The medication that may be administered would mainly consist of antibiotics. When simple medication does not work, a surgery would have to be performed. A surgery for the anal fistulae present in the lower end of the digestive canal is called Fistulotomy.

The procedure is simple. The surgeon will create an incision on the fistula tubes. He will then merge it with the region of the rectum where it is connected. The zone is hence sealed and further abnormal communication between the regions is stopped. Undue passed of blood or other body fluids is restricted. Consequently, the region will heal.

The procedure is generally carried out under local anesthesia, when the abnormality linkage is not very large. However, when a large anal fistula has formed, it may become inevitable to carry out a more elaborate surgical procedure.

Hence, despite pain and anxiety, one may be reassured that the condition is curable and one can easily restore a healthy life.


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